Sandi Beaumont in Italy

Life Thoughts and Experiences

I love cheese and now that I’ve found a wonderful Manchego goat cheese here in Cuenca, I wanted Branston pickle to go with it! Sadly Supermaxi, our local supermarket, doesn’t stock UK produce, so I set about trying to make

I’d done it! My memoir is available on Amazon! But I wanted to share the success with my friends in Cuenca, so decided to have a book launch at Kolo, a restaurant in El Centro popular with the ex-pat brigade

Send Marmite!!!!! You either love it or hate it! Me, it’s my go-to whenever I fancy a piece of toast. But my carefully protected stock is running low – I’m down to my last jar! With no prospect of a

June is supposed to be the beginning of the dry/sunny season here in Ecuador. I miss sunny days! Yesterday I woke to a cloudy sky and watched mesmerised as the rising sun slipped behind the clouds to produce the breathtaking