No More Cups of Tea

I’d done it! My memoir is available on Amazon!

But I wanted to share the success with my friends in Cuenca, so decided to have a book launch at Kolo, a restaurant in El Centro popular with the ex-pat brigade and run by a wonderful man named Frank. The date was set for the 14th of October. I ordered fifteen copies of my book thinking it would be brilliant if I could sell at least ten.

On the day of the launch, Ron, my partner, and I arrived at Kolo and set up the room. Frank had agreed to provide coffee and his famous cinnamon buns for our guests.

As ten o’clock approached I began to feel nervous. But as friends started to arrive, the tension disappeared as I greeted everyone. The room was full of wonderful, happy people all there to help me celebrate and, hopefully, buy a copy of my book.

With everyone seated, I introduced myself and my work, read a passage from the book and then took questions. My thoughts turned again to a time when I’d had to speak in public for the first time and it made me smile.

The morning was a huge success! I sold all the copies I’d had printed and took orders for more. Initial feedback and reviews are good. I’m now planning my next book which should be available next year.