Sandra Beaumont Author

Sandra Beaumont

One Last Hurrah! A Trip to India

Child for India

We left Ecuador on the 17th of October 2023. The twenty-hour flight with an hour’s stop in Amsterdam was exhausting for my seventy-five-year-old bones, but this was a trip I had always wanted to make.

My grandmother used to tell me stories of her time in India as a young girl. Oh, how I wish I’d taken more notice, asked more questions. All I can remember now was her telling me about the discovery of a snake in the laundry basket and her ayah whisking her out of harm’s way. 

That story also led me to research the family’s history, and I discovered that three generations of my grandmother’s family were born in India. 

William Dart, my great-grandfather, was the most interesting subject for me. The information I discovered about his life will form the basis of my next book, more details of which will be available later.

I hope that my trip to India will help me understand what life was like for members of my family and for those serving with the British Army stationed in India. 

Who knows what I’ll discover, but of one thing I’m certain – it will be the trip of a lifetime, shared with my bagman and life companion, Ron.

Two Backpacks

Serialised Here!

Join Ron and me on our three-year backpacking adventure around the world!

Mount Bromo

No More Cups of Tea

Available in eBook and paperback

No More Cups of Tea

Breathing was difficult; my lungs hurt like hell! I’d had little time to defend myself as I lay soaking in the bathtub, no time to prevent my husband from forcing my head below the hot soapy water. Nor had I been able to stop the blows that followed. I wondered how our relationship had come to this? Of course, I knew the answer. I’d accepted Graham’s marriage proposal for all the wrong reasons!’

A few of the great reviews

From the Online Book Club – No More Cups of Tea is a compelling and honest memoir. The author has an affinity for writing because of her storytelling and is able to tease emotions from the reader. This book is worth reading. It is captivating, inspiring, enlightening and easy-to-read. I rate this book four out of four stars and recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading real-life stories about  the personal experiences of strong and inspirational women.

Brilliant! Loved this book! I know the author and her story is so interesting and inspiring! Very well written, I could picture all the places she’s been to. A lovely read ♥️ Katie Mac

Hugely Enjoyable! Sandra’s honest, brave and absorbing memoir told of her time working on the cruise ships, amongst many other entertaining stories. She writes with an easy flow that makes you want to carry on reading, knowing more about her life and the people that she meets long the way. It’s a funny, sad and a hugely enjoyable read. Carole S.

English expat author Sandi Beaumont’s lively tale, a story of struggle and hope that inspires one not to ever give up. If you have ever thought about escaping from a stifling life to experience travel and the accompanying difficult challenges, you’ll savor No More Cups of Tea. A Sandi Fan who is still drinking tea but remains hopeful after reading her book. K.R

I loved this book. Two words come to mind after reading No More Cups of Tea: compelling and heartrending. Sandi doesn’t sugar-coat her experiences and choices; she is brutally honest which is both refreshing and appreciated. Truly an excellent read. Sharon

Street dog

One Day - A short story about an abandoned dog living on the streets of Cuenca, Ecuador

Life Thoughts and Experiences

Sandi Beaumont and Selaron

A blog that has a bit of everything from a look at life in Ecuador, expat recipes and adventures near and far

Ron me and Buddha Angkor Thom

About Sandra Beaumont

Sandra Beaumont’s writing journey began with journals – a way to record life, emotions and reflections.

Now retired and with encouragement from her colleagues in her local writers’ group, Sandra has turned her entries into an enthralling story of love, heartbreak and adventure in her memoir No More Cups of Tea.

Sandra is currently writing the sequel Two Backpacks, a travel/adventure memoir chapters of which are currently available, free, on her website.

Born in Kent and Mum to three grown children, Sandra lives in Cuenca, Ecuador, with her partner, Ron and their cocker spaniel, Ceilidh. When Sandra’s not working on her next writing project, she’s busy trying to overcome the frustrations of baking at altitude and exploring the country she now calls home.